Pizza cu aluat de cartofi

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Si iata-ma revenind in forta :)),dupa doua saptamani(sau chiar mai mult),cu o reteta de pizza,sper sa va placa,noua ne-a placut.
Blatul este foarte crocant si aromat(as putea zice ca e un pic inedit) si destul de subtire,daca il vreti un pic mai grosolan si pufos,va sfatuiesc sa-i adaugati si un cubulet de,cam atat.Enjoy:)
Pt aluat:-For the dough:
1 kg cartofi-1 kg potatoes
sare,o ceapa mare-salt,one large onion
2 linguri unt,1 ou-2 tablespoons butter,one egg
200 gr faina,50 gr smantana-200 gr flour,50 gr cooking cream
nucsoara macinata-nutmeg
Pt umplutura am folosit:-For the filing
masline,cas,sunca de pui,pastrama de porc afumata(voi puteti folosi ce doriti)-you can use what filing you wish
Pt sos:-For the sauce
150 gr ketchup
3 linguri ulei de masline-3 tablespoons olive oil
piper negru-black pepper
marar uscat-dry dill

sare,o ceapa mare-salt,one large onion
2 linguri unt,1 ou-2 tablespoons butter,one egg
200 gr faina,50 gr smantana-200 gr flour,50 gr cooking cream
nucsoara macinata-nutmeg
Pt umplutura am folosit:-For the filing
masline,cas,sunca de pui,pastrama de porc afumata(voi puteti folosi ce doriti)-you can use what filing you wish
Pt sos:-For the sauce
150 gr ketchup
3 linguri ulei de masline-3 tablespoons olive oil
piper negru-black pepper
marar uscat-dry dill

Se fierb cartofii in apa sarata.Ceapa se taie marunt si se caleste in untul fierbinte.
Boil the potatoes in salted water.Cut onion in small pieces and sauté the onion in butter.

Se preaseaza cartofii,se amesteca cu oul,cu faina,cu smantana si cu ceapa calita si se framanta un aluat maleabil.Se condimenteaza cu sare si nucsoara.
Smash the potatoes

and mix them with one egg,flour,cream and onion.Knead a dough and season it with salt and nutmeg.

Se unge o tava cu unt,se aseaza aluatul in tava.Se pune in cuptor si se coace circa 25 min.
Grease a baking tray with butter,put the dough in it

and bake for 20 min.

Se amesteca o compozitie din ketchup,ulei,condimente si se unge aluatul cu acest sos .Se acopera cu ingredientele dorite pt umplutura si se mai coace inca 20 min.
Mix the ketchup with oil,condiments

and grease the dough with this sauce.Cover it with the ingredients for filing

and bake for another 20 min.

Boil the potatoes in salted water.Cut onion in small pieces and sauté the onion in butter.

Se preaseaza cartofii,se amesteca cu oul,cu faina,cu smantana si cu ceapa calita si se framanta un aluat maleabil.Se condimenteaza cu sare si nucsoara.
Smash the potatoes

and mix them with one egg,flour,cream and onion.Knead a dough and season it with salt and nutmeg.

Se unge o tava cu unt,se aseaza aluatul in tava.Se pune in cuptor si se coace circa 25 min.
Grease a baking tray with butter,put the dough in it

and bake for 20 min.

Se amesteca o compozitie din ketchup,ulei,condimente si se unge aluatul cu acest sos .Se acopera cu ingredientele dorite pt umplutura si se mai coace inca 20 min.
Mix the ketchup with oil,condiments

and grease the dough with this sauce.Cover it with the ingredients for filing

and bake for another 20 min.

Te pup si ma bucur sa te vad din nou.
O zi faina sa ai.