Prajitura cu dovleac

Imi place dovleacul,de fapt il ador!Am primit de la bunica 10 dovleci de placinta,mari de tot,cantaresc in jur de 10 kg fiecare.Am curatat un dovleac acu' ceva timp,am facut o placinta obisnuita,apoi restul am bagat la congelator,pe rand am scos dovleacul razuit,l-am decongelat,am facut pumpkin bread,aceasta prajitura si astazi o sa ma incumet sa fac si un vedem cat de subtire voi putea intinde foaia,nu promit nimik.Dar pana atunci,vreau sa va ademenesc cu aceasta reteta,care nu o sa va dezamageasca,si nu spun asta doar pt ca imi place mie dovleacul,ci pentru ca am ramas absolut uluita de cat de buna poate fi,un blat extra fluffy si o umplutura extra spicy:)sper ca v-am convins!

Pt blat-for the sponge cake
5 oua-5 eggs
125 gr faina-125 gr flour
1 pliculet zahar vanilat-vanillated sugar
5 linguri ulei-5 tablespoons sun flower oil
coaja unei lamaii sau portocale-lemon or orange zest
un praf de sare-a pinch of salt
o lingurita praf de copt-one teaspoon baking powder

5 oua-5 eggs
125 gr faina-125 gr flour
1 pliculet zahar vanilat-vanillated sugar
5 linguri ulei-5 tablespoons sun flower oil
coaja unei lamaii sau portocale-lemon or orange zest
un praf de sare-a pinch of salt
o lingurita praf de copt-one teaspoon baking powder
Pt umplutura-for the filing
1/2 dovleac proaspat razuit-1/2 fresh grated pumpkin
100 gr zahar-100 gr sugar
1-2 lingurite scortisoara-1-2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 lingura unt-1 tablespoon butter
1/2 dovleac proaspat razuit-1/2 fresh grated pumpkin
100 gr zahar-100 gr sugar
1-2 lingurite scortisoara-1-2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 lingura unt-1 tablespoon butter
Se freaca galbenusurile cu ulei si putina sare.
Mix the yolks with oil and a pinch of salt.
Sebarat,se bate albusurile spuma impreuna cu zaharul si zaharul vanilat.
In another bowl beat the whites until they become firm ,then add the simple and the vanillated sugar.
Adaugi apoi galbenusurile,faina,praful de copt si coaja de lamaie.
Mix the whites with the yolks,the flour,baking powder and lemon zest.

Amesteci usor si torni compozitia intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt.
Lightly mix everything and transfer the batter to a greased baking tin.
Se tine in cuptor aprox 30 min.
Cook for 30 min or less.
Intre timp,se inabusa dovleacul in putin unt,timp de 10 min,dupa care se adauga zaharul si un praf de scortisoara.
Meanwhile, sote the pumpkin for 10 min in a little bit of butter,then add sugar and cinnamon.
Lasi pe foc pana se inmoaie bine dovleacul.
Let it cook until the pumpkin becomes soft and creamy.
Scoti blatul din tava,il tai in doua si intinzi intre cele doua blaturi compozitia de dovleac.Gata,o praji rapida,gustoasa si de efect:)
Turn the cake onto a cooling rack,cut it in two
and then spread the flat side of one of the cakes with the filing.Cover with the other cake and dust with confectioners sugar
Mix the yolks with oil and a pinch of salt.
Sebarat,se bate albusurile spuma impreuna cu zaharul si zaharul vanilat.
In another bowl beat the whites until they become firm ,then add the simple and the vanillated sugar.
Adaugi apoi galbenusurile,faina,praful de copt si coaja de lamaie.
Mix the whites with the yolks,the flour,baking powder and lemon zest.

Amesteci usor si torni compozitia intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt.
Lightly mix everything and transfer the batter to a greased baking tin.
Se tine in cuptor aprox 30 min.
Cook for 30 min or less.
Intre timp,se inabusa dovleacul in putin unt,timp de 10 min,dupa care se adauga zaharul si un praf de scortisoara.
Meanwhile, sote the pumpkin for 10 min in a little bit of butter,then add sugar and cinnamon.
Lasi pe foc pana se inmoaie bine dovleacul.
Let it cook until the pumpkin becomes soft and creamy.
Scoti blatul din tava,il tai in doua si intinzi intre cele doua blaturi compozitia de dovleac.Gata,o praji rapida,gustoasa si de efect:)
Turn the cake onto a cooling rack,cut it in two

and then spread the flat side of one of the cakes with the filing.Cover with the other cake and dust with confectioners sugar
